My Consulting Method
The film and TV industry is built on collaboration, so why not start this process at the script consulting level
instead of being given one-way notes with a “Good luck on your next draft”?
The Collaborative Script Consulting Method I’ve created and utilized with many clients is a two-way, backand-forth conversation, making sure you understand my notes, comments, and suggestions every step of the
way so that you can quickly and efficiently write your best screenplay.
The Best Kept Secret in Hollywood
Producers don’t like to read screenplays. (Yes, it’s absolutely true.) So, what does that mean for you, the screenwriter?
You must have these 3 Essentials:
1) An engaging Logline that grabs their attention
2) An engrossing Synopsis that makes them want to ask for your script
3) A compelling Page-Turner Screenplay that keeps them reading from the first page to the last page

What Is Your Theme?
Think about a favorite movie, one that changed your mind about something, or emotionally moved you. The screenwriter’s theme reached you. Discovering the primary theme of a screenplay is a process that takes time and the right kind of focus. It’s helpful to recognize and recall that, once you know your script’s “heart” / theme, you can be amazed how easily your script can seem to write itself.
Does Your Dialogue “Ring”?
When I was a story analyst at a major studio, to get through all the script
submissions from agents, to discover at first glance if a script had the
potential of a “RECOMMEND,” a story analyst would arbitrarily choose
any page with dialogue and read it. Why? If it was engaging dialogue, it
would go to the top of the pile.
What many screenwriters don’t realize is that their dialogue can make the
difference between the “circular file,” and the green light. Well-written
dialogue must reveal motivation of characters, be subtle, imbued with nuance,
authentically and consistently match the voice of a character, and be written
with the correct rhythm and tone.